Michele Di Palma: Why I’m “Vegas Proud”

New contributor Michele Di Palma talks about why she’s Vegas Proud…

Is it just me or have you been here, too? I tell people I’m going to Vegas (yes, again) and they give me that face. Suddenly, I feel the need to justify the weekend I’ve been looking forward to for months. “It’s only for two days” or “my friends really wanted to go” or “there’s this show”…..”blah, blah.” The words come pouring out, and before I realize it, I’m apologizing for…..what? Hold on, why should I feel bad that I absolutely LOVE spending time in Sin City? What’s the deal?

I think Vegas, to the average outsider, has the reputation of people pushing their health, wallet and morality to the limit. So yeah–some stars do burn bright and short. I’m certain more than a few visitors have left Vegas with their tails between their legs not wanting to face the consequences. I mean, there’s an entire marketing campaign built around this idea. The people I know say things like “Vegas, ugh” at parties and roll their eyes; acting like every trip is a scene from The Hangover. Dig a little deeper and I find most of them haven’t even been to the strip in the past decade. So why should my excitement dim at their judgment? Short answer–it no longer will. I’m going to live Vegas proud because as you know, there’s so much to love about the City of Lights.

Recently, at a neighborhood dinner party, I opened up about all the fabulous things the city has to offer–glamorous hotels, inventive restaurants, headliner shows, designer shopping, even the hikes just outside in Red Rock Canyon and touring the Hoover Dam.


Hoover Dam

Suddenly, my neighbors looked at my Vegas getaways with new respect. I really blew their minds when I mentioned that it’s perfectly acceptable to me to be in bed by midnight. Sidebar–okay, but not every night does this happen. It’s also not super out of the ordinary for me to see the giant riding vacuum cleaners putter through the casino and realize it is waaaayyy past bedtime. But, regardless of the amount of sleep, I find most of my Vegas excursions to be relaxing and rejuvenating.

Vegas accepts me as I am. It gives all of us the option to make our stays exactly how we want them to be. From all-night clubbing to spas, even museums; arrive in Vegas and it’s your city, your way. Want to get dressed up in sequins? Awesome! Prefer jeans and flip flops? No problem here! What I love is that Vegas will take on the identity we choose to give it. Much like how two people at the same buffet will eat entirely different meals, a Vegas vacation will differ vastly from person to person.

To me, the strip is full of possibility and hope. It allows me the opportunity to get back to being my authentic self. Whether walking past the Bellagio fountains or riding the tram from Excalibur to Mandalay Bay, I can let pretenses go and just be me–without worrying about what people think or the giant to-do lists at home.

Vegas Proud

Vegas is one of the only places I’ve found that recharges my batteries with the energy and excitement just outside my hotel room door. I typically leave on a high already thinking about my next Vegas excursion. I feel bad for those “peacing-out” on a low, but I hope at some point they come back to try their luck again.

So, from here on out, I shame not. I raise my glass of comped casino bubbly to you, my fellow Vegas fans, and I look forward to seeing you on the strip.

[Photos: Michael Movestro, Greg Bennett]

11 thoughts on “Michele Di Palma: Why I’m “Vegas Proud”

  1. This article is AWESOME and really hits home. I’ve found myself playing “explain Vegas” many times. Most memorably, I was at the dentist and mentioned my upcoming trip. My dentist rolled his eyes and said, “not for me. I don’t gamble”. I then proceeded to explain all the ways you can have fun in Vegas WITHOUT gambling. I like to think he knew these things, but maybe not. Small town life.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  2. Great piece and boy, can we all identify with it!
    ( I love that I can wear my gaudiest jewellery to Vegas and no one bats an eye! Lol)

  3. I always find the demographics and how people get along amazing. I am right at the mean age age wise looking at the downward part of the curve soon. I love the fact that I can be at a table with a 22 , 32, 52, 62 and 72 year old and everyone having a good time with each other. Save perhaps the clubs which are now behind me, I can be anywhere with anyone and no one cares.

  4. Great start at Vegas Bright.
    Saying “they give you that face” really hit home.
    Telling my friends I’m heading to Vegas I see the smirk and hear “Well of course you are,
    how many times this year”?
    Looking forward to future contributions.

  5. Thank you all for the warm welcome! I’m excited to be part of this community!

    Blonde4ever–I totally relate about the jewelry. I have a section of my closet devoted to ‘Vegas’ attire ;).

    Victor–I hear you– I just went on my first solo Vegas trip in May. So nice to be on my own schedule in my favorite place!

  6. Great article!!! It’s funny, though….I get the exact opposite reaction from my doctor. Normally, he is real quiet and reserved during exams….all business, with not much of a “bedside” manner. But mention Vegas, and he becomes a chatter box! My quick 3-5 minute exams have turned into 15-20 minute sessions of exchanging information from each of our previous trips.

  7. This hit so close to home man. Told my co workers in ouyt next week, they asked where I said Vegas…A G A I N !!!! Yes, thank you. They just don’t get it. Every trip is different. This time I’m going with my bestie and a vegas virgin and leaving the husband home for the first time since we’ve been together…14 years. He’s bummed but he will get over it. Vegas is once of the greatest cities.

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