VegasChatter’s Archive is Gone

VegasChatter’s archival state of their site is gone. Now, visitors heading over to Vegas Chatter are redirected to CNTraveler, after a brief note.


VegasChatter closed on July 31st, but the site remained public as an archive; now that is no more. We knew it was coming; we just hoped it would be around a bit longer. VegasChatter’s closing is what prompted the birth of VegasBright.

There is still a way to read VegasChatter’s old articles courtesy of the “Internet Wayback” machine, here. It’s a bit clunky and slow, and certain features may not work…but it’s something.

Goodnight VegasChatter. Le Roi est mort, vive le Roi.

[Images: Michael Movestro, screenshots of CNTraveler]

2 thoughts on “VegasChatter’s Archive is Gone

  1. Sad. I used to check in to Vegas Chatter on my lunch break, especially as the countdown on my future trip would dwindle down… I loved seeing what was new- what was happening- and just Vegas in general. When the site closed, the archive was like still having an ex’s number in your cell phone— scrolling back through old texts, just like revisiting your favorite VC articles. With the archive gone, that old phone number is now officially deleted from the phone all together, and now on to a new site, a new bookmark, and a new chronicle of a Vegas love affair. <3 Thank you, I look forward to my new lunch break hobby… oh and the current countdown? 24 days! #vivalasvegas

  2. I’m SO happy u guys are here so im not too bummed about Chatter any longer. You guys are doing great!

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